

The benefits of being a member of PLWA include:
Representation on the single peak body representing public libraries in Western Australia to lobby on behalf of public libraries and promote services to the wider community.
Input into the implementation of the WA Public Libraries Strategy and the opportunity to participate in working groups
Supporting one peak body which can coordinate an approach to grant funding which will benefit public libraries State-wide and enhance access and equity. 
Access to existing professional networks and opportunities to develop new ones at higher levels with other agencies within WA and nationally;
Access to ongoing opportunities for professional development including support for new professionals, training, and workshops to address either operational or strategic issues;


You can renew your membership through the website by logging in to your account and selecting the Renew option. Payment can be made by invoice and bank transfer. Credit card payments can be made by phone after the renewal is processed.

Membership rates for 2024/25 were ratified at the General Meeting in April 2023 and are showing below.

Full Memberships

You can renew your membership through the website by logging in to your account and selecting the Renew option. Payment can be made by invoice and bank transfer. Credit card payments can be made by phone after the renewal is processed.

Membership rates for 2024/25 were ratified at the General Meeting in April 2023 and are showing below.

Membership TierLG populationAnnual Fee
Tier 1Under 1,000$175
Tier 21,000 to 25,000$300
Tier 325,001 to 50,000$400
Tier 4Over 50,000$1,200


We are not required to provide a refund of your membership fee if you change your mind.

However, refunds may apply in the following instances:
Should your Local Government cease to be a Library Authority within three months of payment – 50% refund of fee paid.
Should your Local Government choose to cancel its membership within one month of payment – full refund.

Please contact the Treasurer to discuss any refund queries.
Refunds will be made only to a Local Government bank account.